George Washington, Staying in Character

I just started reading this book. The adult reading/discussion series I plan each year for the library has this book and 10 others under the series "Founding Mothers and Fathers." Fischer's strong suit is that he tells stories and gives details that bring history alive. He makes the point that decisions made for varying reasons by converging sets of people determine history. In the hands of such a thorough researcher and talented writer, this is powerful stuff.
My daughter got me interested in reading the book now by telling me about a broadcast she listened to on NPR. National Public Radio boardcast a story told by Fischer in "Washington's Crossing". In 1777, Gen. George Washington and his troops faced British and Hessian soldiers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He issued a firm order that no matter how barbaric enemy armies might be, he would not abide any such behavior in his own troops.
I will probably talk about the other books, latter in the year.
If you have read this book, did you like it?