.This is two jpeg pictures of my true colors paper quilt. When I thought of my favorite color or colors...I thought of the beautiful sunsets in Southern Utah's Red Rock areas. I love the pinks and reds and oranges and yellow of this area. To try to remember the Native American's who live in this area...I used folded paper in a native design in the ground. The four corners of the paper quilt are covered with "silver" ends to remind me of the Navajo's love of silver and the good luck it brings. The quilt front and all the binding is done in paper. It was quilted on my machine and backed with fabric.



Beverly said…
Beautiful, definitely evocative of southern Utah!
Nikki said…
I love the quilt. You have captured beautiful colors of the sunset. I would never have guessed it was paper from the photograph.
Tomme said…
Wow, Sue, this quilt is fantastic! I don't know that I've ever seen a paper quilt before. It's lovely.
It's great and I agree with nikki, you can't tell it's paper.
Lynn Majidimehr said…
This quilt is wonderful, it looks like it could be fabric.
Cay Denise said…
Very looks like fabric rather than paper!
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